【Podcast】「釣り竿片手に、新たな静岡の魅力に出会う旅へ。 Guest:アウトドアギア クラフトマン・尾崎光輝」

[PODCAST] "To a journey to encounter new Shizuoka charm with a fishing rod one hand. GUEST: Outdoor Gear Craftman, Ozaki Koki"

The 21st guest is Mitsuki Ozaki, his kraftman Jackie.

Jackie is outdoor brand"Jindai Mountain Works"Sponsored by magazine Papersky's latest issue 67"SHIZUOKA |‘ Fish & '"Then, as a guest, I go on a fishing trip around the sea, mountains and rivers in Shizuoka. Jackie enjoys all outdoors, including UL hikes and mountain stream fishing.
What kind of story can you hear?




The list of podcast articlesHerefrom.




"Thinking Clouds" is Lucas B.B., editor -in -chief of "Papersky", who plays the role of host, and Aoi Inagaki of the stationery and miscellaneous goods manufacturer "HighTide", and invites guests who are active in various fields based on the keyword "Journey of Thinking". This is a program that shares a talk, such as traveling, attractive people from all over the world, and culture, and enjoys a talk.

Look forward to the next update!

New episodes are distributed on the first and 3rd Mondays every month.




【The guests】
Mitsuteru Ozaki
Born in 1971. Outdooragi Craftman. Commonly known as Jackie Boy Slim. A pioneer in Japan's Myog (Make Your Own Gear) scene. Enjoy all outdoors, including UL hikes and mountain stream fishing. In 2018, "JMW (JINDAI MOUNTAIN WORKS)" was launched, and now an atelier is set up at the foot of Takao, Tokyo.




Lucas B.B. (Lucas B.B.)
Born in Voltimore, USA in 1971. Grew up in San Francisco. After graduating from the University of California, I came to Japan with one backpack. While working as a freelance writer, he launched the Japanese -English bilingual culture magazine "TOKION" in 1996. In 2002, he launched the Travel Lifestyle Magazine Papersky, and created fresh media that connects time, nature, and culture in a new perspective of "Ethno Travel".


Aoi Inagaki
He is in charge of planning and miscellaneous goods manufacturers from Fukuoka "HighTide". "HighTide" is involved in the production of "PaperSky Travel Tools" of "PaperSky", and appeared in "PaperSky Podcast". I'm studying on my trip and outdoors.


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Papersky Store:https://store.papersky.jp/

 Papersky StoreSoPapersky ToolsIs sellingPapersky WearIt will be a separate site.