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Papersky #63 Kyushu | Kyushu's National ParksI traveled with Papersky's interview crewChalkboyWelcomed as a guest artistNATIONAL PARKS OF JAPAN」plan.
CHALKBOY expresses the magnificent scenery, time, and feeling of the body that I actually visited a national park, and the sense of my body. It will be a product through the filter of PaperSky, the official partner of the National Park.
The first part of this collaboration is in the mainland of Kyushu4Tsuno National Park (Saikai National Park, Unzenesenakusa National Park, Aso Kuju National Park, Kirishima Kinko Bay National Park) and Fuji Hakone Izu National Park with Mt. Fuji.
"From the back theme of Japanese national park branding, it uses a lot of gradation inspired by Ukiyo -e. It has become a slightly different view of the world."Chalkboy)

"For example, when you ask" Yosemite National Park ", the magnificent rocky mountain scenery and magnificent waterfalls will come to your mind.……It doesn't come. So we went on a journey to find the vision of a national park in Japan. Because the area designated as a national park was very attractive, and I wanted to convey the charm of people and culture of people who have lived for a long time in the land. ("PaperskyEditor -in -chief LucasB.B)
In Japan34A national park where there is a place. However, most of them are not known.
Official partner in a national parkPaperskyUnder the idea that the participation in the "National Park Enjoyment Project" listed by the Ministry of the Environment can protect the nature of the region and contribute to development.ChalkboyI will continue this activity with him.
※ChalkboyMr. guestPodcastteethHereYou can watch from.
□ National Park Official Partner
The Ministry of the Environment cooperates with private organizations and companies to disseminate the appeal of Japanese national parks to the world, deepen understanding of park users from Japan and abroad, and revitalize the region. The "National Park Official Partnership Program" was implemented for the purpose.
PaperSky is also participating as an official partner.
Part of the PaperSky Wear sales will be donated to the NPF (Natural Park Foundation).